Welcome to IWTC!

The International WWT Tour Contest (IWTC) aims to encourage students, amateur astronomers, and anyone interested in astronomy, geography and other science to use astronomical data and the platform provided by WWT to create a WWT “guided tour”.


About the tour submission method, due to the complex situation of the global internet, the steering committee accepts any way you can use, for example Google Drive, Dropbox, institute or personal server, or any others. Please send the URL (and maybe with passcode) to “lishanshan@nao.cas.cn” before the submission deadline.

It is FUN!



A WWT tour may cover all topics related to astronomy and other science, including concept teaching, interpretation of scientific knowledge, data analysis and display, storytelling, and even science fiction and beyond. See the rules page for the complete details.

The IWTC is organized by:

What is WWT?

WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is an astronomical data visualization platform: a suite of free and open source software and data sets that combine to create stunning scientific visualizations and stories. The WWT ecosystem includes two Windows applications — compatible, localized versions published by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and the Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO).

Check ABOUT page for more detail!

What is WWT Tours?

WWT tours are scripted, multimedia experiences that guide the viewer through WWT’s simulated universe. Users can create and share tours to teach astronomical concepts, showcase their data, or simply to share their passion for the cosmos! Here’s an example tour created by astronomy writer Scott Levine, originally published in Sky & Telescope magazine:

You can find more examples on the resources page!